Saturday, March 17, 2018

Super duper fluffy slime!!

This is THE BEST FLUFFY SLIME RECIPE EVER. My friend gave this recipe to me and it is amazing. Its like you are holding a cloud in your hand.
The materials that you will need are:
-Shaving Cream
-Saline or Contact Lens Solution
-Elmer's school glue
-Baking Soda
-A bowl and spatula
-Food dye
-Any other things that you want to add in!
Put one pinch of baking soda into your bowl.
Add the glue (The amount doesn't matter) and mix. Add one cup of shaving cream, and add more to make more fluffy. Mix and add Contact Lens or Saline Solution. (A little bit at a time till the slime is activated)Make sure you mix very
 very well. After this is all mixed up, add any other decorations, like glitter or beads or balls, and then add your colors. Personally, I think it is cool if you keep it white, because it looks really cool.
Some tips: If you add more shaving cream it makes it fluffier. Also, this slime gets kind of sticky now and then, so add as much Contact Lens or Saline solution as you like.

Slime it up, guys!!

(I made a LOT of this slime! 😁 )
(Just can't get over how awesome it is!)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Elmers Jumbo Colored Slime!! (With glitter!)

This is an awesome slime recipe that totally works! I'm proud to give you a trustworthy slime recipe that is awesome-not one of those so called recipes that are terrible on other sites. I've tried this 3 times and all of them have turned out great. Lets get started!

Elmer's big bottle of school glue, or 3 4 ounces of the tiny school glue bottles.
1 1/2 TBSP of Baking Soda
3 TBSP of Contact Lens solution
Your choice of food coloring
Glitter from Tree House Studios (Available at local craft stores)

1.Find a bowl, cup or plate to mix your slime in
2. Pour the entire contents of all 3 of the 4oz of Elmer's school glue into the bowl, or 12 ounces measured from the big bottle.
3.Add 1 1/2 TBSP of Baking Soda and mix
4.After mixing, add your choice of food coloring
5.Mix and/or add more food coloring until you get the color you want.
6.Add 3 TBSP of Contact Lens Solution
7.Mix until slime forms and it begins to get harder to mix or it pulls away from the bowl
8.Take the slime out and begin kneading with both of your hands until it achieves the consistency that you want.
9.You are done!!
If needed, add 1/2 TBSP Contact Lens Solution to make the slime less sticky, or however much needed. Also, add glitter if you want.
Well, how is it? Didn't I tell you that it was going to be awesome? This is a great and very easy craft to do with little ones.Have fun!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Valentine's day heart tote bag!!

I know that Valentines day is long gone, but who can resist a cute heart tote bag?

The materials you will need for this project are listed below:

  • Marker (If you are drawing a heart)
  • Canvas tote bag, the size of your choice
  • A heart
  • Red and/or pink paint
  • Pencil with full eraser
Step one: Tap end of pencil/eraser into the paint. Gently tap around the edge of the heart in the middle. Tap up and around the heart until the paint runs out. Continue around the heart in the same way, making darker and lighter dots to give the look texture and feeling.

After you are done with your first color all the way around, you might want to let it dry before you paint over with another color, just so it doesn't blend. But if you don't want to wait, just plow right on ahead!

After you have done the extra paint, let dry and you are done!!

So cute, right?!?