Friday, March 2, 2018

Valentine's day heart tote bag!!

I know that Valentines day is long gone, but who can resist a cute heart tote bag?

The materials you will need for this project are listed below:

  • Marker (If you are drawing a heart)
  • Canvas tote bag, the size of your choice
  • A heart
  • Red and/or pink paint
  • Pencil with full eraser
Step one: Tap end of pencil/eraser into the paint. Gently tap around the edge of the heart in the middle. Tap up and around the heart until the paint runs out. Continue around the heart in the same way, making darker and lighter dots to give the look texture and feeling.

After you are done with your first color all the way around, you might want to let it dry before you paint over with another color, just so it doesn't blend. But if you don't want to wait, just plow right on ahead!

After you have done the extra paint, let dry and you are done!!

So cute, right?!?

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